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Each SmartArt layout provides a different way to express your content and enhance your message. Some layouts simply add visual polish to a bulleted list, and other layouts (such as organization charts and Venn diagrams) are designed to portray specific kinds of information.

Tip: Click the following headings for more information about each topic.

Before you choose a layout for your SmartArt graphic, ask yourself what you want to convey and whether you want your information to appear a certain way. Since you can quickly and easily switch layouts, try different layouts (across types) until you find the one that best illustrates your message. A type is similar to a category that can help you quickly choose the appropriate layout for your information. Experiment with different types. The table below is not an exhaustive list, but can help you as a starting point.

To do this

Use this type

Show nonsequential information.


Show steps in a process or timeline; create a flow chart.


Show a continual process.


Create an organization chart.


Show a decision tree.


Illustrate connections.


Show how parts relate to a whole.


Show proportional relationships with the largest component on the top or bottom.


Use pictures prominently to convey or accent content.


Also consider the amount of text that you have, because the amount of text affects the look and the number of shapes that you need in a layout. Are there several main points with subpoints underneath them? Do the details carry more weight than the summary points, or vice versa? In general, SmartArt graphics are most effective when the number of shapes and the amount of text are limited to key points. Larger amounts of text can distract from the visual appeal of your SmartArt graphic and make it harder to convey your message visually. However, some layouts, such as the Trapezoid List layout in the List type, work well with larger amounts of text.

For each type of SmartArt graphic, many unique layouts are available. Some have picture placeholders. Some layouts are made up of separate shapes for each item of information, including subpoints. Other layouts combine subpoints with their summary points. Looking at the positioning of the summary information in relation to the details helps you get a sense of which pieces of information will draw the most attention from your audience. Make sure that the most important data is in the position of greatest attention.

Some layouts for SmartArt graphics contain a limited number of shapes. For example, the Counterbalance Arrows layout in the Relationship type is designed to show two opposing ideas or concepts. Only two shapes can contain text, and the layout cannot be changed to display more ideas or concepts. If you choose a layout with a limited number of shapes, you can tell what content will not appear in your SmartArt graphic because a red X (rather than a bullet point) will appear next to these items in the Text pane.

Text pane with red X

Counterbalance Arrows layout

If you need to convey more than two ideas, switch to another SmartArt graphic layout that has more than two shapes for text, such as the Basic Pyramid layout in the Pyramid type. Keep in mind that changing layouts or types can alter the meaning of your information. For example, a layout with arrows pointing to the right, such as Basic Process in the Process type, has a different meaning from a SmartArt graphic with arrows going in a circle, such as Continuous Cycle in the Cycle type.

When you switch to a different SmartArt graphic layout, most of your text and other content, colors, styles, effects, and text formatting are automatically carried over to the new layout.

Or you can reevaluate your content to see if any of the information is less vital to your message. SmartArt graphics with fewer concepts and fewer words are often most effective.

If you cannot find the exact layout that you want, you can add and remove shapes in your SmartArt graphic to adjust the structure of the layout. For example, the Basic Process layout in the Process type appears with three shapes, but your process may need only two shapes, or it may need five shapes. As you add or remove shapes and edit your text, the arrangement of the shapes and the amount of text within those shapes is updated automatically — maintaining the original design and border of the layout for your SmartArt graphic.

When you select a new layout, placeholder text (such as [Text]) appears. Placeholder text is not printed and does not appear during a PowerPoint presentation. You can replace the placeholder text with your own content. If you switch layouts with placeholder text appearing, you will see the placeholder text in the new layout. Note that the shapes always appear and are printed unless you delete them.

Also, consider the size of the space where you will place the SmartArt graphic. For example, if you have a tall, skinny space, choose a vertical layout like Staggered Process in the Process type, rather than a horizontal layout like Process Arrows in the Process type.

Some layouts have a fixed aspect ratio, so they might not take up the entire space. Aspect ratio refers to the ratio between width and height. For example, if you place the Grid Matrix layout in the Matrix type into a space that is wider than it is tall, the SmartArt graphic will not use all of the width blank space. To change the aspect ratio, you can change the layout of your slide or document, change the size of the space where you are placing the SmartArt graphic (thereby changing the look of the SmartArt graphic), or switch to a different SmartArt graphic layout with a different aspect ratio.

The Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery displays all available layouts broken into eleven different types — All, List, Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, Relationship, Matrix, Pyramid, Picture,, and Other. (The type shows additional layouts available on The Other type appears only if you add custom SmartArt graphics and do not add them to one of the other types.) Descriptions that suggest what type of information is appropriate for a given layout appear under the larger image to one side of the Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery.

Select a layout

After you've chosen the SmartArt graphic that's right for you, you can edit and customize it to further meet your needs. See the following articles to learn more about working with the SmartArt graphics that you create:

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