In PowerPoint, you can change one animation effect applied to an object for another, modify the settings for an animation, or remove the animation from the object.
Change an animation effect
Select the object that has the animation effect that you want to change.
On the Animations tab, select the new animation that you want.
Remove one animation effect
You can remove animation effects that you previously applied to text or objects (such as pictures, shapes, SmartArt graphics, and so on).
Note: If you're looking for information on removing a transition effect from an entire slide, see Add, change, or remove transitions between slides.
On the Animations tab, select Animation Pane.
On the slide, select the animated object that you want to remove the effect from.
Tip: All of the effects applied to that object are highlighted in the Animation Pane.
In the Animation Pane, select the effect you want to remove, select the down arrow, and then select Remove.
Remove more than one or remove all animation effects
To remove more than one animation effect from text or an object, in the Animation Pane, press Ctrl, click each animation effect that you want to remove, and then press Delete.
To remove all animation effects from text or an object, click the object that you want to stop animating. Then, on the Animations tab, in the gallery of animation effects, click None.
Turn off all animations in a presentation
Although you can't remove all animations from an entire presentation in one step (you have to remove animations from each object individually, as described above), you can disable all animations in your presentation.
On the Slide Show tab, select Set Up Slide Show.
Under Show options, select Show without animation.
See also
Note: If you're looking for information about changing or removing transitions between slides, see Add, edit, or remove transitions between slides.
To change or remove an animation effect you've created, select the slide you want, click the Animations tab, and then use the Animations pane on the right to edit or rearrange effects.

Tip: If you don't see the Animations pane, make sure you are in Normal view, and then click Animation Pane on the Animations tab.
In the Animations pane, you can do any of the following:
Move or delete an animation Select the effect in the Animations pane. At the top of the pane, click the arrow keys to change the order of your animations, or click the red X to delete an animation.
To delete all animations from a slide at once, click the first item in the list, press and hold the SHIFT key as you click on the last item in the list, and then click the red X.
Change to a different animation Select the effect in the Animations pane, and click a different effect in the ribbon on the Animations tab.
Add another animation to the same object First select the text or object on the slide (not in the Animations pane), and then click the additional effect you want to apply.
Change the effect properties Select the effect in the Animations pane and make the changes you want under Effect Options.
The settings available here depend on the type of animation you selected. This example shows the options for a Fly In animation.
Change the effect timing Select the effect in the Animations pane and make the changes you want under Timing. Options include how the animation is triggered, how long it lasts, and whether you want to delay its start or repeat it.
For longer animations that might get triggered again during your presentation, you can choose Rewind when done playing to speed things up a little bit the second time around.
If you want to disable animations from an entire presentation, click the Slide Show tab, click Set Up Slide Show, and then select Show without animation.
See also
Animate text and objects with motion paths
Animate or make words appear one line at a time
Change an animation effect
Select the object that has the animation effect that you want to change.
On the Animations tab, select the new animation that you want.
Remove one animation effect
You can remove animation effects that you previously applied to text or objects (such as pictures, shapes, SmartArt graphics, and so on).
Note: If you're looking for information on removing a transition effect from an entire slide, see Add, change, or remove transitions between slides.
On the Animations tab, select Animation Pane.
On the slide, select the animated object that you want to remove the effect from.
Tip: All of the effects applied to that object are highlighted in the Animation pane.
In the Animation pane, select the effect you want to remove. Then, on that effect, select
Remove more than one animation effect at once
On the Animations tab, select Animation Pane.
In the Animation pane, multi-select the effects you want to remove: Press and hold Ctrl while you select each animation effect in turn.
At the top of the pane, select
Tip: To remove all the animation effects from a single object at once, you can select the object, then on the Animations tab, open the Animations gallery and select None.