How do I view or update a member’s details in Skype Manager™?

When a member has been added to your Skype Manager, you can view or update their account details at any time, including what list they belong to and whether they are an administrator of your Skype Manager.

You can't change a member’s Skype Name, password or currency.

To view or update a member’s details in Skype Manager:

  1. Sign in to Skype Manager .

  2. Click Members from your Skype Manager Dashboard to display the All members page.

  3. Click on the name of the member whose details you want to change. Click on Details to display the Member’s details page.

  4. If you want to add the member to a list or change the list to which the member belongs, select it from the This member belongs to the list drop-down options. If the list does not exist, click create a list to set up the new one. Once a list has been set up, it is automatically selected for the member.

  5. If you want the member to be an administrator of your Skype Manager, ensure that Make this member a Group administrator is checked.

  6. Click Save changes .

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