Use a screen reader to add chat expressions in Skype for mobile

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This article is for people with visual impairments who use a screen reader program with Skype and is part of the Skype Accessibility content set. For more general help, visit Skype Support home .

Use Skype with a screen reader (VoiceOver on iOS devices, TalkBack on Android devices) to add chat expressions to your instant messages (IM) by searching for them or browsing through expression categories. You can add emoticons, GIFs, and stickers. Emoticons are small emotion icons that can be added within text in a single chat message. GIFs and stickers are larger entities, where they are sent as an individual message without additional text. The information provided in this article is for use with the latest version of Skype. For more information, please go to How do I update Skype?


  • This article assumes that you are on an Android phone or iPhone. Some navigation and gestures might be different on an Android tablet or iPad.

  • This article assumes you are using TalkBack (for Android) or VoiceOver (for iOS).

  • To learn more about accessibility features, go to What accessibility features are available for Skype?

In this topic

Search for chat expressions

  1. While writing chat messages in the Type a message here text input field, swipe right. You hear "Open expression picker." Double-tap the screen.

  2. The expression picker opens. Swipe right until you hear "Emoticons" to move to the Emoticons tab content. To move to the GIFs or Stickers tab, swipe right until you hear the correct tab name, and then double-tap the screen.

  3. To search for an expression, tap and hold the screen, then slide down and to the left until you hear "Search [type of expression]," and then double-tap the screen. Enter text describing the expression using the on-screen keyboard. As you type, the screen reader announces the number of results found.

  4. To access the result list, swipe left until you hear "Close search," and then swipe left once more. To browse in the list, swipe left or right.

  5. To select an expression, double-tap the screen.

  6. The expression picker closes. If you selected a GIF or sticker, it is sent to your conversation. If you selected an emoticon, it is added to your current chat message in the Type a message here field.

    Note:  : To exit the expression picker without selecting anything, swipe left or right until you hear "Close expression picker" or "Close search," and then double-tap the screen.

Browse chat expression categories

  1. While writing chat messages in the Type a message here text input field, swipe right. You hear "Open expression picker." Double-tap the screen.

  2. The expression picker opens. Swipe right until you hear the correct tab name ( Emoticons , GIFs , or Stickers ), and then double-tap the screen.

  3. To select an expression category, swipe right until the screen reader announces the name of the current category. To move between the categories, swipe left or right with three fingers. The screen reader announces the categories as you move.

  4. To browse through the expressions in the current category, swipe right.

  5. To select an expression, double-tap the screen.

  6. The expression picker closes. If you selected a sticker, it is sent to your conversation. If you selected an emoticon, it is added to your current chat message in the Type a message here field.

    Note:  : To exit the expression picker without selecting anything, swipe left or right until you hear "Close expression picker" or "Close search," and then double-tap the screen.

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk .

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