Applies ToOutlook за Android Outlook за iOS

S/MIME settings are specific to accounts. The setting screen is where S/MIME is enabled.

Toggling S/MIME to ON allows the sign, encrypt, and sign + encrypt options to show up in the compose window. 

To turn S/MIME on:

  1. In Outlook, tap the Account control at the top left, then select the Settings button near the bottom left.

  2. Tap on the specific account you want to turn S/MIME on for.

  3. Tap Security and you should find the toggle to turn S/MIME on for that account.The security screen in Outlook mobile, showing S/MIME enabled, and the Signed and Encrypted options available.

Note: If you don't see the Security option for your account it's possible that account type, or email provider, doesn't support S/MIME.

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